Mint Chocolate Cookie Trifles

Mint Chocolate Cookie Trifles


  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 T. powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract
  • a small drop of leaf green gel paste color optional
  • 1 cup Kozy Shack chocolate pudding
  • 7 mint chocolate cookies coarsely chopped
  • 1 mint chocolate cookie-quartered for garnish
  • Mint leaves for garnish


  • In a medium mixing bowl, add in the heavy cream. Mix on medium until the heavy cream thickens up and reaches soft peaks.
  • Add in the powdered sugar, peppermint extract, and leaf green gel paste color. The food color is completely optional but adds to the look. Mix on high until stiff peaks form.
  • Add the 1M tip in a piping bag. Fill the bag with the colored whipped cream.
  • Place the pudding into a sandwich bag. Press out the air and seal the bag.
  • Place about 1 tablespoon of the coarsely chopped cookies in the bottom of a 3.5-inch glass. It can be the size of your choice, but this is what I used.
  • Cup a small hole in the tip of the sandwich bag with the pudding in it. Pipe a nice layer on top of the cookies.
  • Layer the pudding with a layer of whipped cream. Repeat layers.
  • Top with a piece of cookie and mint leaves.
  • Refrigerate until you're ready to serve!


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